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Writer's pictureAlaje Fadesiye

Hidden Sacredness of Body Parts in Yoruba Tradition

While certain body parts hold prominent significance in Yoruba tradition, there are also lesser-known or hidden aspects of the body that carry profound symbolic meanings. In this article, we will delve into these hidden body parts and uncover their spiritual significance in Yoruba cosmology.

The Navel (Ikun):

The navel is considered a sacred center of life and connection in Yoruba tradition, symbolizing the umbilical cord that links an individual to their ancestors and the divine source (Olódùmarè). It represents the portal through which the soul enters and exits the physical realm, signifying the continuity of life across generations. Devotees honor the navel through rituals such as navel-gazing and belly massage, seeking to activate its spiritual energies and align themselves with the cosmic forces of creation and renewal.

The Spine (Opa):

The spine is revered as the axis mundi or world axis in Yoruba cosmology, symbolizing strength, stability, and spiritual ascent. It serves as the central channel through which divine energies flow, connecting the earthly realm with the celestial realms above. Devotees engage in practices such as spinal alignment and yoga postures to awaken the latent energy (àṣẹ) stored within the spine, facilitating spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The Crown (Ade):

The crown is regarded as the seat of divine authority and enlightenment in Yoruba spirituality, symbolizing the highest aspirations and spiritual potential of an individual. It represents the connection between the earthly self and the divine self, signifying the attainment of spiritual sovereignty and wisdom. Devotees honor the crown through rituals such as head adornment and crown visualization, seeking to activate its spiritual powers and access higher states of consciousness.

The Liver (Edo):

The liver is revered as a vital organ in both physiological and spiritual terms in Yoruba tradition. Physiologically, it is responsible for detoxification and cleansing the blood, reflecting its role as a purifier and regulator of the body's internal processes. Spiritually, the liver symbolizes resilience, purification, and vitality. It is associated with the element of water and the emotions, representing the capacity to release negativity and restore balance to the spirit. Devotees honor the liver through practices such as herbal remedies, dietary purification, and liver tonics, seeking to cleanse and revitalize their spiritual essence.

The Lungs (Edoforo):

The lungs are regarded as the seat of breath and vitality in Yoruba tradition, symbolizing the life force (àṣẹ) that animates the body and connects it to the divine source. The act of breathing is considered a sacred practice, aligning the individual with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. The lungs are associated with the element of air and the realm of thought and communication, representing the power of expression and creativity. Devotees honor the lungs through practices such as deep breathing exercises, pranayama, and breathwork, seeking to cultivate inner peace and spiritual clarity.

The Bones (Egungun):

Bones are revered as repositories of ancestral wisdom and spiritual essence in Yoruba cosmology, symbolizing strength, stability, and ancestral lineage. They are considered the framework that supports the physical body and the vessel through which ancestral energies are transmitted from one generation to the next. Bones are associated with the element of earth and the realm of ancestral memory, representing the continuity of life and the interconnectedness of past, present, and future. Devotees honor the bones through rituals such as bone divination, ancestral veneration, and bone strengthening exercises, seeking to connect with their ancestral roots and draw upon the wisdom of their lineage.


In Yoruba tradition, every aspect of the body, whether visible or hidden, is infused with divine significance, reflecting the interconnectedness of the individual with the cosmos. By honoring and understanding the sacredness of all body parts, devotees deepen their connection to the divine essence within themselves and the universe. Through rituals, prayers, and mindful practices, they seek to embody the wisdom and power of the orisa in every aspect of their being.


Alaje Fadesiye

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